Six Tips for Maintaining Contractor Compliance

Three contractors discussing compliance.
Est. Read Time 4 mins.

Compliance monitoring helps to ensure Contractors and their employees are adhering to their Operator’s requirements for Drug and Alcohol testing. Abiding by these requirements helps to ensure a safe and secure worksite for everyone. If you’re a Contractor, here are a few key tips you can use to help maintain compliance with your Operators in Alert.

Tip #1: Review the Operator Drug & Alcohol Addendum

The Operator Addendum is a document that contains the drug and alcohol testing requirements for your specific Operator. This addendum includes the Operator’s drug testing panel with screening and confirmation levels, random testing percentages, pre-employment testing requirements, and any other special requirements that the Operator may need before an employee is allowed access to their job site. You must ensure your employees meet the requirements of the Operator Addendum before they access your Operator’s job site.

Tip #2: Mark Your Roster Up To Date

Your Alert Roster is a key component in every enrollment. It should provide a detailed list of employees who will be performing work for a specified Operator. The roster should contain the most recent testing data and the names of the employees who will be performing work for the Operator. Individuals who are no longer employed should be removed from your roster immediately! Keeping your Roster up to date will make other compliance items much easier, such as roster audits.

Tip #3: Roster Audits

Contractors are subject to various roster audits in Alert to make sure they’re adhering to their Operator’s specific requirements. Once generated, contractors have 10 business days to upload the required documentation for a Roster Audit. Audit documents must align with the selected employee and the provided dates must mirror the information listed on the employee’s roster entry.

Tip #4: Statistical Data Reporting

Statistical data reporting is required for each work type associated with your employee roster. It’s recommended that you enter statistical data throughout the year to ensure your Operator’s random testing percentages are being met.

Statistical Data Action Items for the current year are visible to the Contractor, but they don’t impact compliance until the first business day in February of the following year.

Contractors should complete all required random testing as outlined by your Operator and/or regulatory requirements within the specified period to ensure random testing percentages are met. Remember to update your roster with the most recent testing data!

Tip #5: Annual Renewal Fees

Enrollment Renewal and Alert Access Fees are due annually. It’s important to monitor the “Daily Action Item Summary” email notices in your inbox to ensure payment is made before the due date. If not completed, you could risk service disruption!

Tip #6: Third-Party Administrators

Alert allows Contractors to designate their Third-Party Administrator (TPA) access to their account. Once granted access, your TPA can assist with roster maintenance, audits, and statistical data entry. TPAs that report on their Contractor’s behalf can also easily monitor their Contractor’s compliance. It’s extremely important to communicate any new Operator enrollments with your TPA, as these enrollments may impact your current random testing percentages and/or the drug testing panel requirements.

Ready to get compliant?

Over 5,000 Contractors rely on TEAM to stay current with their Operator's requirements. If you have any questions about Alert and how it can help you maintain compliance, contact us at 918.970.2323 or email us at [email protected].

Kelly Hausher
AuthorKelly Hausher

The power of a TEAM.

When it comes to safety, hiring, and compliance, you’ve got to act fast. Stay ahead of it all with innovative solutions and unmatched support.